國立台灣大學 系統最佳化實驗室
System Optimization Laboratory, National Taiwan University

BP8025 暖科技
Warm Technology

科技一向給人冰冷的感覺,本課程以跨領域創新的方式,透過動手做,讓科技溫暖人心。從人文關懷出發,融合跨領域專業共同創新體貼服務社會大眾的需要,是本課程的核心理念及實踐。 本課程聚焦在弱勢族群與高齡社會相關議題,整合城鄉、工程與心理三大領域的知識。大領學生們從建構合適的團隊,培養默契並創新思考,之後將讓學生進入場域(寶藏巖、蟾蜍山),了解不同族群的生活各個面向,並以個案議題的方式,企圖建立對該議題的了解後提出具體的解決方案。
DS3004 創新車輛設計
Innovative Vehicle Design


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ME1003 工程圖學
Engineering Graphics


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ME1009 機械工程實務
Practice of Mechanical Engineering


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機械系總整課程ME Capstone Course[New Window]
ME3001 服務學習
Student Service Education

ME5017 智能動力電動載具設計與實務一
Design and Practice of Smart Power Electric Vehicles (I)

本門課將講述智能動力電動載具之相關知識,並將同學們分組設計、分析、製造(部分零組件委外製作)且組裝非傳統形式之智慧電動或複合動力載具,透過實作學習團隊合作、設計、規劃、製造與管理。本門課將要求同學們使用電腦輔助繪圖(CATIA)與分析軟體進行全車設計(CARSIM)與分析風阻(FLUENT) 、結構(ABAQUS)、馬達磁路(MAXWELL)、以及機構(ADAMS)等。
ME5021 穩健與可靠度設計
Robust and Reliability in Mechanical Design

Uncertainty in engineering design results in adverse product performances and variations. In this course we will study how to evaluate these impacts and how to systematically integrate these analysis approaches in design processes in mechanical design.

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ME5025 智慧車輛設計與實務二
Design and Practice of Intelligent Vehicles (II)

本門課將講述智能動力電動載具之相關知識,並將同學們分組設計、分析、製造(部分零組件委外製作)且組裝非傳統形式之智慧電動或複合動力載具,透過實作學習團隊合作、設計、規劃、製造與管理。本門課將要求同學們使用電腦輔助繪圖(CATIA)與分析軟體進行全車設計(CARSIM)與分析風阻(FLUENT) 、結構(ABAQUS)、馬達磁路(MAXWELL)、以及機構(ADAMS)等。
ME5127 工程統計學
Engineering Statics


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ME5241 機械元件設計
Machine Elements Design


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Introduction to Computers

Understand basic computer knowledge and develop fundamental computer programming backgrounds for undergraduate students. This course contains introductions to computers and basic programming using C++ and Matlab. Students are automatically enrolled in both lecture and lab sessions.

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Mechanical Design (I)

Provide concepts, procedures, and decision analyses that are essential in designing mechanical components. Students are expected to analyze individual element as well as the interfaces between elements as they work together to form a system.

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Mechanical Design (II)

Provide concepts, procedures, and decision analyses that are essential in designing mechanical components. Students are expected to analyze individual element as well as the interfaces between elements as they work together to form a system.
課程大綱Syllabus[New Window]
Design Project: 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
Optimal Design

Aims at providing the first exposure to a rational integration of traditional design methodologies with concepts and techniques of modern optimization theory and practice. The student learns to create appropriate mathematical optimization models and to use analytical and computational techniques to solve them.

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Reliability in Mechanical Engineering

Provide fundamental reliability backgrounds for mechanical engineers. Students are expected to have basic knowledge about probability and statistics including set theory prior to this class.

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Taguchi Method for Quality Design

Provide fundamental reliability backgrounds for mechanical engineers. Students are expected to have basic knowledge about probability and statistics including set theory prior to this class.

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