國立台灣大學 系統最佳化實驗室
System Optimization Laboratory, National Taiwan University

"So far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are uncertain, and so far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality"
--Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

研究目標 | Our overarching goal is to:

“Provide Systematic and Rigorous Approaches for Optimal, Robust, and Reliable Design under Uncertainty”

近期研究計畫 | Our research grant:

2022/01 - Carsim 車型參數校準流程研究 (鴻華先進科技)
Development of A Parameter Calibration Method for Carsim Model
2021/08 - 多台移動機器人協同任務之導航與動態避障策略研究 (科技部)
Task Collaboration, Path Planning, and Obstacle Avoidance of Multiple Mobile Robots
2021/05 - 貨卡動力升級與駕駛輔助系統研發 (台塑企業)
Freight Truck Power Upgrading and Driver Assistance System Development
2021/01 - 智慧協作載具於醫療應用之開發與研究 (教育部高教深耕)
Development and Research of An Intelligent Collaborative Autonomous System for Medical Applications
2021/08 - 新工程教育方法實驗與建構 (教育部)
Development and Experimentation of New Engineering Education Methods
2020/08 - 考量區域特性之太陽能源永續發展研究-考量區域特性與不確定性之太陽能源與設備最佳化研究 (教育部高教深耕)
Solar Energy and Equipment Optimization Study with Regional Characteristics and Uncertainties
2020/02 - 荷重型軍用外骨骼系統開發 (中山科學研究院)
Development of A Heavy-Duty Military Exoskeleton System
2020/04 - 電動車鋰電池技術及動力系統整合與虛擬驗證
Electric Vehicle Li-Ion Battery and Powertrain System Integration and Vi Rtual Validation
2019/08 - 機械手臂參數校正與軟/硬性插件虛實系統之應用
Dynamic Parameter Calibration in Cyber-Physical Robot Robot Manipulators of Compliance/Rigid Peg-In-Hole Applications
2018/08 - 動態製造環境中機器系統參數的驗證方法:虛實系統之動態參數校正
Validation and Verification of Machine Parameters in Dynamic Manufacturing Environment - Dynamic Parameter Calibration in Cyber-Physical Systems
2018/06 - 智慧機械校正與可靠度分析 (教育部高教深耕)
Intelligent Machinery Calibration and Reliability Analysis
2018/01 - 工廠無人化載具之建構規劃 (台達電子)
Development of Autonomous Mobile Robots
2018/01 - AI 自主駕駛 X-by-wire EV 開放平台設計及 XiL 驗證技術開發
Design of the X-by-wire EV Open Platform for AI Autonomous Driving R&D and XiL Validation Technique Development
2017/11 - 教育部智慧聯網技術與應用人才培育計畫 - 智慧物聯基礎技術聯盟
The Education Consortium of Smart Manufacturing and Electronics
2017/08 - 臺灣大學智慧製造跨校教學策略聯盟
Talent Cultivation for Intelligent Manufacturing
2017/02 - 智慧節能 iPHEV 動力系統暨 XiL 平台發展與驗證 (3/3)
Development and Verification of Intelligent Energy Saving PHEV Power System on XiL Platform
2017/01 - 電動車電池 SOC/SOH 更新與驗證計畫
Modeling and Prediction for EV Battery SOC/SOH
2016/03 - 電動動力控制器震動可靠度之模擬分析資料庫技術
Vibration and Reliability Analysis of Motor Drive Controller Using Simulation Technique
2016/01 - 自動輔助駕駛之駕駛意圖認知技術研究
Research on Driver’s Intention Recognizing Technique in Autonomous Driving Assist System
2016/01 - 智慧節能 iPHEV 動力系統暨 XiL 平台發展與驗證 (2/3)
Development and Verification of Intelligent Energy Saving PHEV Power System on XiL Platform
2016/01 - 電動車電池 SOC 與剩餘里程演算更新與驗證計畫
Modeling and validation of the SOC of EV batteries at varying driving conditionsS
2015/11 - 多軸機器手臂精度驗證技術與不確定因素模型建構
Uncertainty Identification and Accuracy Validation of Robot Manipulators
2015/02 - 智慧節能 iPHEV 動力系統暨 XiL 平台發展與驗證 (1/3)
Development and Verification of Intelligent Energy Saving PHEV Power System on XiL Platform
2015/01 - 建立道路追隨系統之 DFSS 研究
Reliability Improvement and DFSS in Lane-Following Control of On-Road Vehicles
2014/12 - 個人載具自動循跡避障暨穩定控制技術開發
Development of Autonomous Track Following Obstacle Avoidance and Stable Control technologies for Personal Vehicles
2014/11 - 雙機械手臂之建構與矯正與雙手協調控制
Implementation, Calibration, and Control of a Dual-Arm Manipulator
2014/08 - 消費型電子產品在不確定因素下之環保衝擊評估
Environmental Impact Assessment of Consumer Electronic Devices under Uncertainty
2014/01 - 智慧電動車虛擬劃之設計、測試與驗證技術研究
Research and Development of Virtual Design, Testing, and Validation Techniques of Intelligent Electric Vehicles
2014/01 - 智慧型停車系統開發
Development of an Intelligent Parking-Assist System with Operation Uncertainty
2013/01 - 無段變速系統設計開發
Design Automation and Integration of a CVT System
2012/01 - BSG 皮帶系統分析與驗證
Analysis and Validation of a Belt-Starter Generator System
2011/08 - 實際工程設計問題之可靠度改善方針與探討
Improving Reliability in Design of Practical Engineering Problems