| Journal Papers
- Y.-P. Chen and K.-Y. Chan, "Unknown Parameter Excitation and Estimation for Complex Systems With Dynamic Performances", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 143(9):1-25, 2021 (Link)
- Y.-K. Tsai, and K.-Y. Chan, "Investigation on the Impact of Non-geometric Uncertainty in Dynamic Performance of Serial and Parallel Robot Manipulators", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 233, issue 10, pp.3487-3511, May 1, 2019 (Link)
- J. Millogo and K.-Y. Chan, "Multivariate Analysis of Extrapolating Time-Invariant Data with Uncertainty", International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 9, Issue 6, pp. 569-587, 2019 (Link)
- Y.-K. Tsai, and K.-Y. Chan, "Parameter Identification and Performance Optimization for Vertical Articulated Robot Manipulators under Transmission Uncertainty for Harmonic Drives", submitted to ASME. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2018
- K.-L. Li, Y.-K. Tsai, and K.-Y. Chan, "Identifying Joint Clearance via Robot Manipulation", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 232, no. 15, August, 2018 (Link)
- K.-S. Lin, K.-Y. Chan and J.-J. Lee, "Kinematic error analysis and tolerance allocation of cycloidal gear reducers", Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 124, Pages 73-91, June 2018 (Link)
- Y.-A. Lin, P.-A. Chen and K.-Y. Chan, "A Method for Reducing Fuel Consumption of Urban Scooters Using Vehicle Design and Traffic Simulation", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 231, issue 7, pp.1252-1271, April 1, 2017 (Link)
- K.-L. Li, W.-T. Yang, K.-Y. Chan and P.-C. Lin, "An Optimization Technique for Identifying Robot Manipulator Parameters Under Uncertainty", Springer Plus, 5:1771, 2016 (Link)
- D. Su and K.-Y. Chan, "Compensating for Operational Uncertainty in Man-Machine Systems : A Case Study on Intelligent Vehicle Parking Assist System", ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems : Part B. Mechanical Engineering, 2015 (Link)
- T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, "Optimization of a Wind-Integrated Microgrid System with Equipment Sizing and Dispatch Strategy under Resource Uncertainty", Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(4), 041403, Apr. 01, 2015 (Link)
- K.-Y. Chan and S.-C. Chang, "A Preliminary Study on the Integration of Engineering and Aesthetics Measures via the Design of Vehicle Silhouettes", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Volume: 229 issue: 12, pp. 2221-2230, August 1, 2015 (Link)
- T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, "Uncertainty Quantification of Pareto Optima in Multiobjective Problems", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 24(2), pp.385-395, 2013 (Link)
- T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, "Multi-Objective Design and Tolerance Allocation for Single- and Multi-Level Systems", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 24(3), pp.559-573, 2013 (Link)
- Y.-T. Wu and K.-Y. Chan, "Optimal Design and Impact Analysis of Urban Traffic Regulations Under Ambient Uncertainty", Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25(2), P.271-286, 2011 (Link)
- K.-Y. Chan and D.-S. Lin, "Algorithm Developments for Optimization Problems with Joint Reliability Constraints", International Journal for Numerical Method in Engineering, 85(6), pp.768-783, 2011 (Link)
- D.-S. Lin, C.-M. Ho, and K.-Y. Chan, "Beta-Pareto Set Approximation for Multiobjective Optimization Under Uncertainty", Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(8), 081003, 2011 (Link)
- C.-M. Ho and K.-Y. Chan, "Modified Reduced Gradient With Realizations Sorting for Hard Equality Constraints in Reliability-Based Design Optimization", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(1), 011004, 2011 (Link)
- K.-Y. Chan, "Sequential Linearization in Analytical Target Cascading for Optimization of Complex Multilevel Systems", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 225(2), pp.451-462, 2011
- Y.-C. Huang and K.-Y. Chan, "A Modified Efficient Global Optimization Algorithm for Maximal Reliability in a Probabilistic Constrained Space", Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(6), 061002, 2010 (Link)
- K.-Y. Chan and Y.-C. Huang, "An Active Set Sequential Quadratic Programming with Variable Probabilistic Constraint Evaluations for Optimization Problems under Non-Gaussian Uncertainties", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 226(6), pp.1273-1285, 2010 (Link)
- K.-S. Hsu and K.-Y. Chan, "A Filter-Based Sample Average SQP for Optimization Problems with Highly Nonlinear Probabilistic Constraints", Journal of Mechanical Design 132 (11), 111002, 2010 (Link)
- K.-Y. Chan, S. J. Skerlos, and P. Y. Papalambros, "A Method for Reliability-Based Optimization with Multiple Non-Normal Stochastic Parameters : A Simplified Airshed Management Case Study", Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24(1), pp.101-116, 2010
- K.-Y. Chan, S. J. Skerlos and P. Y. Papalambros, "Monotonicity and Active Set Strategies in Probabilistic Design Optimization", Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(4), 893-900, Jan 05, 2006
| International Conference Papers
- Y.-H. Lin and K.-Y. Chan, "Investigating the Impact of Multiple Tasks on the Estimation of Non-identifiable Muscle Parameters in Musculokeletal Models: a preliminary study", Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science: Proceedings of the 16th Iftomm World Congress 2023
- C.-J. Lai and K.-Y. Chan, "A Novel Approach to Occupancy Grid Map Merging in Environments with Highly Repetitive Features", Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science: Proceedings of the 16th Iftomm World Congress 2023
- Y.-P. Chen and K.-Y. Chan, "Designing Excitation Maneuvers with Maximal Parameter Sensitivity for an X-By-Wire Autonomous Tricycle", Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, USA, Aug. 16-19, 2020 (Link)
- H.-T. Tsai and K.-Y. Chan, "Investigating the Impact of Component Uncertainty on Autonomous Vehicles Overtaking Maneuvers", Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, Aug. 18-21, 2019 (Link)
- Y.-C. Liu and K.-Y. Chan, "Probabilistic Modeling of Driver Behaviors at Urban Crossroads", Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, Aug. 18-21, 2019 (Link)
- P.-Y. Chen and K.-Y. Chan, "Improving Hole-Searching Accuracy for Peg-in-Hole Assemble with Manipulator Harmonic Drive Uncertainty", Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, Aug. 18-21, 2019 (Link)
- Y.-K. Tsai, and K.-Y. Chan, "Uncertainty Estimation and Performance Optimal Design for Vertical Articulated Robot Manipulators", the 21st National Conference on Mechanism and Machine Design, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, Oct. 26-27, 2018
- S. Low and K.-Y. Chan, "Uncertainty in the Biomechanics of Taekwondo Kick", International Workshop on Reliability for Advanced Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb 16, 2017
- S.-C. Hsu and K.-Y. Chan, "Simulation-based Vibration Analysis for Reliability Improvement of Motor Drive Controllers", International Workshop on Reliability for Advanced Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb 16, 2017
- Y.-H. Chu and K.-Y. Chan, "Uncertainty Parameter Identification and Calibration in Dynamic Performances", International Workshop on Reliability for Advanced Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb 16, 2017
- J. Chong and K.-Y. Chan, "Improved State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-ion Battery via Surrogate Modeling Under Dynamic Operating Conditions", International Workshop on Reliability for Advanced Technology, Feb 16, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan
- T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, "Probability-based Power Dispatch in Wind-Integrated Electrical Grid for Energy Storage Capacity Determination", Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computer and Information in Engineering Conference, Charlotte, NC, USA, 2016 (Link)
- K.-L. Li, W.-T. Yang, K.-Y. Chan and P.-C. Lin, "An Optimization Technique for Serial Manipulator Robots Parameter Calibration and Accuracy Improvement", the 32nd Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 11-12, 2015 (Link)
- P.-A. Chen and K.-Y. Chan, "A Novel Traffic Simulation with Mixed Flow for Obstacle Avoidance Analysis and Strategy", the 32nd Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 11-12, 2015 (Link)
- Y.-C. Chang, H.-W. Huang, K.-Y. Chan, W.-F. Wu and T.-C. Liu, "Enhanced Markovian Model with Physics of Failures for Long-term Reliability Analysis of Electrical Systems", the 14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-30, 2015 (Link)
- D. Su and K.-Y. Chan, "Compensating for Operational Uncertainty in Man-Machine Systems - a case study on intelligent vehicle parking assist", Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design and Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Buffalo, New York, USA, Aug 17-20, 2014 (Link)
- J. Millogo and K.-Y. Chan, "Life Cycle Assessment under Uncertainty - a review", the Asia Design Engineering Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-22, 2014 (Link)
- Y.-A. Lin and K.-Y. Chan, "A Direct Simulation Method for Continuous Variable Transmission with Component-wise Design Specifications", Mechanism and Mechanical Technology Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, 2014 (Link)
- M.-C. Lai and K.-Y. Chan, "Minimal Deviation Paths for Manipulators with Joint Clearances", Proceedings of the 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Buffalo, NY, USA, August 17-20, 2014 (Link)
- T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, "Component Size Optimization of a Wind-Integrated Microgram System with Dispatch Strategy and Resource Uncertainty", Proceedings of the 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Buffalo, NY, USA, August 17-20, 2014 (Link)
- K.-L. Li, M.-C. Lai, Y.-C. Hsueh and K.-Y Chan, "Analysis of Uncertainties in Planar Robot Manipulation", the 31st Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, 2014 (Link)
- C.-J. Chang and K.-Y. Chan, "Bi-objective Wind Farm Optimization with Turbine Blade Design under Uncertainty", International Engineering Optimization Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014
- C.-J. Chang, P.-S. Lin, and K.-Y. Chan, "The Concept of Heterogeneity in Wind Farm Optimization", the Asia Design Engineering Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-22, 2014 (Link)
- P.-Y. Lin and K.-Y. Chan, "Optimal Sample Augmentation and Resource Allocation for Design with Inadequate Uncertainty Data ", Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 12-15, 2012
- S.-C. Chang and K.-Y. Chan, "Multidisciplinary Design of Vehicle Silhouettes Considering Engineering and Aesthetics Measures", (Best Paper Award) International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing, December 12-14, 2012
- T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, "Uncertainty Quantifications of Pareto Optima in Multiobjective Problems", the 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Shizuoka, Japan, June 13-17, 2011 (Link)
- S.-C. Chang and K.-Y. Chan, "Iterative Decomposition and Solution Strategy for Complex Engineering Problems", the 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Shizuoka, Japan, June 13-17, 2011 (Link)
- T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, "Multi-Objective Design and Tolerance Allocation for Single- and Multi-Level Systems", Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Montreal, QC, Canada, August 15-18, 2010 (Link)
- C.-M. Ho and K.-Y. Chan, "Modified Reduced Gradient with Realizations Sorting for Hard Equality Constraints in Reliability-Based Design Optimization", Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Montreal, QC, Canada, August 15-18, 2010 (Link)
- C.-H. Liu and K.-Y. Chan, "Reliability-Based Shape Optimization Of A Pressure Tank Under Random And Stochastic Environments", Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2008, August 3-6, 2008, Brooklyn, New York, USA (Link)
- K.-Y. Chan, M. Kokkolaras, P. Y. Papalambros, S. J. Skerlos and Z. Mourelatoes, "Propagation of Uncertainty in Optimal Design of Multilevel Systems: Piston-Ring/Cylinder-Liner Case Study," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-1559, 2004
| Domestic Conference Papers
- Y.-P. Chen and K.-Y. Chan, "車輛模型不確定參數激發與校準", the 37st Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 20-21, 2020 (Link)
- Y.-P. Chen and K.-Y. Chan, "以全域敏感度設計激發操作之模型驗證方法", the 37st Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 20-21, 2020 (Link)
- Y.-C. Yu and K.-Y. Chan, "A Study on the Lane-changing Intension and Detection for Autonomous Vehicles", the 21st National Conference on Vehicle Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 18, 2016
- Y.-A. Lin and K.-Y. Chan, "Comparisons between Direct and Inverse Analysis Methods in Continuous Variable Transmissions with Comprehensive Component Specifications", the 31st Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, 2014 (Link)
- Y.-A. Lin and K.-Y. Chan, "A Direct Simulation Method for Continuous Variable Transmission with Component-wise Design Specifications", the 17st Chinese Society of Mechanism and Machine Theory Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 14, 2014
- L.-H. Chen and K.-Y. Chan, "風力發電廠規劃與發電機葉片設計在地理限制下之整合研究", the 29st Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, Dec., 2012